
Computer program for calculating the vehicle's stability when the loading crane is extended

The program runs on all IBM-compatible MS-DOS computers that are running MS Windows XP, Vista, Windows 7 or 8, 32 bit or 64 bit. Our programs do not run on Windows RT. We recommend that you use a PC with at least 2 GB of RAM and 20 GB of free space on the hard disk. A DVD drive is required to install the program. If you do not have a DVD drive on your computer, you can also obtain the program or programs on a USB memory card for a small supplement (also for updates).

We are fundamentally unable to provide any guarantee/warranty that the data contained in TrailerWIN/CraneWIN will match the actual weights or dimensions of the vehicles or equipment.

CraneWIN is used in conjunction with the TrailerWIN program. As soon as you have selected, sized and calculated the relevant vehicle in TrailerWIN, the data is copied automatically to CraneWIN when you switch from TrailerWIN to CraneWIN. The stability factor can be selected freely.

CraneWIN can also run without TrailerWIN.

Product information/Pricelist

  • Fig. 1/5 CraneWIN initial screen
  • Fig. 2/5 Menu to change the crane data
  • Fig. 3/5 Menu to change / add supporting legs
  • Fig. 4/5 Menu to change the vehicle data
  • Fig. 5/5 Menu to change the tilting line

You can then specify the loading crane/vehicle data in more detail. Changes are also possible.

Figure 1 shows a simplified but true to scale, stylised representation of the vehicle with the loading crane and the supporting legs from above. The loading crane is shown extended, in various positions that could be critical for the vehicle's stability. The centre of the circle diagram is the loading crane's centre of rotation. The stability factor for each loading crane position can be read from the circle diagram. In addition to this drawing, two data sheets with the underlying values and calculations can also be printed out.

Additional entries/changes can be made in CraneWIN for the vehicle, loading crane, additional supporting legs, stability factor, etc.

Changes that are made in CraneWIN are not copied automatically to TrailerWIN. Changes that are made in TrailerWIN, e.g. 2nd pair of supporting legs installed, are copied automatically to CraneWIN.

The program does not consider any bending/torsion on the frame or other parts.